Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ohio and West Virginia

Lazy Dog Campground, Ohio
Linda's motto
We left Indiana on August 28th.  It was not our intention when planning this trip to go to Ohio or West Virginia but we decided at the last minute to travel a portion of the Blue Ridge Parkway up to Washington D.C.  We stayed the first night in Galloway, Ohio which is very close to Columbus.  Columbus is where Pete was born and he states that after he was born, they made it the state capital, by way of proclamation.  Our campground was very noisy so we weren't sorry to leave.  Our next campground was in Jackson, Ohio.  It was much better, noise wise and a very pretty setting.  It was called the Lazy Dog Campground however no pets were allowed.  We had a view of a little lake and were able to watch the fish feeding at dusk.  It also had a cute saying on the shed in front of us which I have posted here. 

Ohio River
As we headed southeast, we crossed the Ohio River,  much wider than our rivers in California, and entered into a wooded area that our National Geographic map states is the Appalachian Plateau.  We crossed the plateau into West Virginia.
West Virginia State Capital, Charleston
Kawawha River, WV

I can see why John Denver sang about West Virginia being almost heaven....with the exception of the roads which were like California's.  The tree covered cliffs alongside the freeway and the beautiful, wide rivers were incredible.  We traveled through the Appalachian Mountains and are now on the eastern side in the state of Virginia.  Tomorrow we will begin our journey on the Blue Ridge Parkway.  Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Looks so beautiful - I think I can already see some fall colors in your pics. We drove near Charleston, WV once ourselves! I really love the bear motto too.
